Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Program

So I haven't been able to blog with every run since I've been back so I guess I'll just do what I can. I signed up for my first 5k today and have one month to get ready! I wanted to run this morning and my right leg was hurting so I decided to wait until tomorrow.
I'm trying something new, adding a quarter mile almost every run I'm going to run 2 miles tomorrow. If I stay on track I should be fine for my race. I wish I didn't get hurt a few moths ago it really slowed me down. I kinda lost my enthusiasm for running but think it is coming back. With taking a step back it makes me not as excited I think but now I can see a clear plan and that makes me happy.

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing about people training for their first run. Once you run that first 5K you'll be hooked for life.

    I'll be watching our progress and cheering you on! Good luck!
